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Commonly Confused Words
Change & ChargeChange & Charge are two words are are written almost the same, but they mean two totally differencet things. Do not get time confused.
Change – to switch; to make something differencet
- I am going to change the tires on the car.
- We are going to change the furniture in the living room.
- My sister changed her phone. She gave me her old phone.
- We are going to change the insurance company.
- My father wants to change the Internet service.
Charge – the price that someone takes for goods or services
- The mechanic did not charge me a lot of money to fix my car.
- The bank charges us high fees (a lot of money).
- How much do you think I should charge for babysitting?
- The cell phone companies charge a lot of money.
- The landlord charged us for damages we did to the flat.
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