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English Grammar

Countable Nouns

Countable Nouns – are nouns that can be counted

    One Apple – I have one apple.

  • Five Children – There are five children in the park.
  • Four Dogs – My friend has four dogs.

There are two kinds of countable nouns:

  • Singular Nouns - are nouns have have only 1 of something
    • I have one ball.
    • We have a car.
    • The girls want a cat.
  • Plural Nouns - are nouns that have two or more of something
    • We have three children.
    • I have two cars.
    • The red houses are very big.

What are countable nouns:

A countable noun is a type of noun that can be:

  • presented in both the singular form and the plural form
  • represented by a number, such as two cats, five books

Rules For Using Singular Countable Nouns Rules For Using Plural Countable Nouns
1. A determiner must be used before noun (or adverb if adjectives are used, such as a, the, this, one, ours, his etc. 1. A determiner is optional before noun (or adverb if adjectives are used.
2. The article "a" or "an" can be used. 2. The articles "a" or "an" can not be used.
3.Only the number one can be used to state the amount. 3. Any number bigger then two can be used to state an amount.
4. Possessive adjectives my be used such as my, his, our etc. 4.Possessive adjectives my be used such as his, our, etc.
5. Quantifiers can not be used. 5. Quantifiers can be used, such as some, any, many, a lot etc.
6. A demonstrative adjectives can be used such as this, those etc. 6. A demonstrative adjectives can be used such as this, those etc.

Examples of Countable Nouns:
Nouns Nouns In The Singular Form Nouns In The Plural Form Nouns Represented By A Number
dog The dog is big. The dogs are big. There are six dogs in the room.
boy The boy is tall. The boys are tall. There are three tall boys in my class.
car Our car is green. All the cars at work are white. There are six cars parked on my street.
window The window is big. The windows are clean. The room has three window.

Countable Nouns Quiz

Countable & Uncountable Nouns Quiz

What is a noun?


Pronoun Quiz #1

Pronoun Quiz #2

Pronoun Quiz #3

Pronoun Quiz #4

Pronoun Quiz #5

Indefinite Pronouns

Types Of Pronouns

Identifying Nouns

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Identifying Nouns Quiz #2

Identifying Nouns Quiz #3

Abstract & Concrete Noun Quiz #3

Types Of Nouns

Possessive Nouns

Countable Nouns

Countable Nouns Quiz

Plural Nouns

Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns Quiz

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Definite Pronouns

Subject Pronouns

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Singular Countable Nouns

Singular Countable Nouns Rules

Plural Nouns Spelling -s or es

Proper Nouns

Concrete Nouns

Abstract Nouns

Abstract Noun Quiz

Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #1

Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #2

Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #3

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Abstract Noun & Concrete Noun Quiz #5

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