English The Easy Way
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Introductory Phrases & Commas
Introductory clauses, phrases and words are:
- Clauses, phrases or words that are not sentences.
- Clauses, phrases or words that provide extra information.
- The sentence makes sense with out the clause, phrase or words.
- Clauses, phrases or words that come at the beginning of the sentence.
- They are used as background information, extra information.
- There can be more than one introductory clause, phrase or word in a sentences.
Commas are placed after the introductory clause, phase or words. If there is more than one introductory clause, phase or words a comma is placed after each introductory clause, phase or words.
Wow, that was a great movie.
While I got dressed, The radio was playing a great song.
Excellent job, everyone did a really good job.
Apostrophe "'s" To Show Possession
Comma Usage - Independent Clauses
Independent and Dependent Clauses
The Difference between Clauses or Phrases
Introductory Phrases, Clauses and Words with Commas
Commas Usage With Titles, Dates & Addresses