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Independent Clauses &: Commas
A comma is used to join 2 independent clauses, a joining word is used between, the 2 sentences. The seven joining words are: but, nor, and, or, then, if, yet.
When 2 independent clauses are joined together this is called a compound sentence. A comma is place before the joining word.
- I like to play on the computer, but I have homework to do.
- I have to go to the store, and I have to go to library.
- Are you going to be home for dinner, or are you going to eat out tonight?
Linking words do not always join to independent clauses.
- I like to play on the computer, but prefer to watch TV.
- I have to go to the store, and maybe the library too.
- Are you going to be home for dinner or eating out?
Apostrophe "'s" To Show Possession
Comma Usage - Independent Clauses
Independent and Dependent Clauses
The Difference between Clauses or Phrases
Introductory Phrases, Clauses and Words with Commas
Commas Usage With Titles, Dates & Addresses