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English Idioms

Gray Rock

Gray Rock - to deal with someone is to act like you doing care what they say or what they are doing

  • We have to see the family next week, but I am just going to gray rock them.
  • There are many people in the office that just gray rock the boss.
  • The judge was awful, he just gray rocked me. He did not even care what I had to say.
  • When my father is in a bad mood he gray rocks everyone in the house.
  • I had to go the the store to return something, but they just gray rocked me. I will not go to the store again.

Idioms Starting With G Quiz

Gray Rock

Go Down In Flames

Get A Kick Out Of

Give A Buzz


Gut Feeling

Go Crazy

Give It A Whirl

Ghost Someone

Goose Is Cooked

Get The Message

Green With Envy

Get Out Of A Jam

Go Off The Deep End

Get Off Track

Going Around In Circles

Going To The Dogs

Go Berserk

Goof Up

Go Haywire

Goof Off

Go Under The Knife

Go Into Hock


Get Under My Skin

Go Up In Flames

Go Cold Turkey

Get Your Feet Wet

Golden Years

Get The Sack

Get Off On The Wrong Foot

Get Rid Of

Get A Grip

Go Bananas

Get The Hang Of It

Go Under The Knife

Give Up

Get Your Act Together

Get Out Of Here

Get A Move On It

Golden Opportunity

Get The Boot

Go The Extra Mile

Go Downhill

Get Off Easy

Get Off My Case

Get (Someones) Wires Crossed

Go Mental

Go South

Gold Digger

Get On In Years

Get Out Of Hand

Good For Nothing

Get A Life

Give Green Light

Give My Word

Give A Hand

Get The Picture

Get The Ax

Get To The Heart Of

Give A Shot

Give Me A Ride

Go On

Going Dutch

Graveyard Shift

Green Thumb

Go Through The Roof

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English Idioms Quiz #1