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English The Easy Way

English The Easy Way

Everybody Can Learn English

Commonly Confused Words

Where – When – Why

Where – is used to ask about the location of a place, person, or thing.

  • Where is the store?
  • Where is your mother?
  • Where do you live?

When – is used to find out about the time, day or date

  • When are you coming to visit?
  • When are we going to finish school?
  • When do you finish work?

Why – is used when you want to know the reason

  • Why do we have to do our homework?
  • Why do I have to clean my room?
  • Why are we going to school on Saturday?

Usual & Usually

Unlike & Unlikely With Voice/Audio

Used To & Use To

Vegan & Vegetarian

Am Used To & Used To

Who's & Whose

View & Watch

Write & Right

Waist & Waste

Woman & Women

What & Which

Where & When & Why

Will & Would

Weather & Climate

Who & That & Whom & Whose

Your & You're

More Confusing Words

Confusing Words Staring With A

Confusing Words Staring With B

Confusing Words Staring With C - D

Confusing Words Staring With E - F - G

Confusing Words Staring With H - I

Confusing Words Staring With J - K - L - M - N - O

Confusing Words Staring With P - Q - R

Confusing Words Staring With S

Confusing Words Staring With T

Confusing Words Staring With U - V - W - X - Y - Z